Thursday, November 29, 2007

Favorite in the Narnia Series?

Over at the Touchstone Magazine blog, David Mills has started a discussion on which book in the Chronicles of Narnia series is one's favorite and which one the least favorite. It's good, clean fun, and it got me to thinking.

When I was very young, I liked The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe best. Now that I'm old, I like The Last Battle and Voyage of the Dawn Treader best. Of course.

Actually, now that I'm old and have a better understanding of my own sin and the corruption of the world around me, I may appreciate Till We Have Faces more than any of the Narnia books, but I'll need to ponder that one awhile.

1 comment:

Jacob said...

Hi Mr. Schutt!

I would have to agree that Till We Have Faces blows Narnia out of the water. Simply amazing. I'm due to reread that book.